For best results,
a capture kit is recommended
Selected Action Camera for your operations,
GoPro 10 or 11
512 GB MicroSD Card
High Quality Type C cable
High Capacity Powerbank
Car Charger
Vehicle* Attachment Kit
Glass or chassis mount
Instruction Manual
FTP Access username & password
These images are temporary, they can change with the available stock.
You can DIY this kit yourself as well, but if problems occur it is not our responsibility to troubleshoot.
FTP is limited to 512GB per usage, which is enough for 4 days / 16hours / 100 hectares of video capture.
*High vibration vehicles like scooters or tractors require clamp mount, car/jeep will do with glass mount

How to Capture & Send Videos
What makes our system is the best in the world?
All vineyards are unique to their size, age, variety, training and other variations and styles depending on the hobby or corporate production techniques.
That is why we have thousands of AI models for each unique vineyard to always reach beyond a particular accuracy level never dreamed before.
The main reason why there are no papers about it is exactly this. This page is a solid statement of our detection abilities. We have demonstrated this technology worldwide and reached an accuracy level up to 99.778%. This is possible because machines do not get tired like people do and they hit similar numbers even at a different speed, different camera settings and different field of view each time.
So rather than reading a paper about our technology, why not send a video of the row in your vineyard that you know the exact number. In our calculations, it will take 2-3 hours to count all of the bunches in any row but in our case, if you capture video in 3 minutes, our results will be provided in 3 minutes. This is the page for your videos, you can capture the videos as described below.
True era of AI in Agriculture has begun.
(click underlined words to watch videos or visit pages)
If you want to provide this as a service, contact

If you have a referral code for Free-Remote-Demo, please enter the code under this page "Contact YieldEstimator" "any questions & comments box" for processing. If you don't have the code, you need to book a call with us first.
We do not process videos from whatsapp or any other programs with high-video compression. Our system is compatible with unprocessed videos from Action Cameras but we can make do with iPhone videos as well. You can share your iPhone videos from iCloud as links and you can share GoPro videos from GoPro Subscription if you have a Cloud Service.
Before going to field make sure you have either a supported phone or an action camera;
iPhone SE 2020, SE 2022, 11, 12, 13, 14
Pro, Max models are compatible
All iPad Pro models are compatible
On all Apple devices, copying videos to your PC is a painful experience. It is better to upload captured videos to your iCloud and share video file with a link.
Most flagship android devices released after 2020 are compatible. The list is long but, in a nutshell, if it has more than 3 cameras in the back, it might be preferably a compatible device.
Action camera
Make sure to read your camera's User Manual cover to cover. There are a lot of differences between cameras and we can not provide technical support for problems you encounter.
These cameras are highly compact and "short duration" recording cameras and they tend to overheat in prolonged usage. When they heat up, if you use cheap SD cards they corrupt recordings. That is why it is best to have 2 cameras on both sides of the vehicle and use recommended SD cards with them, as explained below.
Recommended: GoPro Hero 10, 11 Black
Must enable HyperSmooth setting.
Must disable Flat color profile. We need to have contrast & color to process videos.
Since you can sync multiple cameras on GoPro, we highly recommend them if you are going to scan two rows at the same time. As a common vineyard practice, one side of the rows are covered with leaves for protecting bunches from direct sunlight. If you are doing this operation after veraison and before a week or two from harvest, you can use 2 cameras to reduce amount of time to collect data.
DJI Osmo Action (1st version) you can still use it.
We're aware of the DJI Action's overheating and there is nothing we can do about it. You can increase the temp limit or you can opt in for GoPro Hero 10/11 Black (almost 2x price but it overheats after some duration too). For long term usage, you can attach a fan next to your camera with high-airflow but low vibration. Some centrifugal blower type fan from DELTA would work nicely.
A more affordable option but it overheats.
Must disable Cinelike color profile.
Must enable Rock Steady setting
DJI Action 2
Camera connects via magnetic connector, if you are going to attach camera to your vehicle with a tripod mound magnetic adapter, make sure to zip tie the camera across the holder. With excessive vibration of tractor or ATV engine and due to field conditions camera might fell off.
Action 2 has a wide angle lens of 155 degrees. Make sure to capture videos at a rocksteady 2.0 setting. It narrows down the frame and reduces wide angle distortion.
Action 2's battery claims 70 minutes runtime but that is, as always, highly improbable so, if you are going to scan large vineyards make sure to buy it with battery pack or power it with Type C cable.
DJI Action 3
Camera connects via magnetic connector, if you are going to attach camera to your vehicle with a tripod mound magnetic adapter, make sure to zip tie the camera across the holder. With excessive vibration of tractor or ATV engine and due to field conditions camera might fell off.
DJI claims that they have solved overheating issue. In our tests under simulated heat (vineyard season - 34 - 40C) blow to the camera, they seemed to perform normally to some extent. It varies with the usage situation.
If your action camera overheats please refer to this page about our recommendations. We have specially designed parts for our partners.

On iPhones, these settings are enabled by default but if you are using a phone compatible with high fps and high resolution capture, make sure you've enabled Optical Image Stabilization or Digital Image Stabilization
On all phones and action cameras make sure you've selected at least 1080p and 60fps.
On our tests, Samsung Class 10 128GB or 256GB Micro SD card works the best with Action Cameras
On the Field
Make sure you are at the field between 10:00 and 16:00
If you don't have a light meter, you can install any of the light meter apps on your android device to get at least 12000 lux of sunshine

Mount cameras on the bullbar of Tractor or ATV
- Make sure they are steady, we don't cover losses
Make sure the cameras field-of-view can see all of the bunches horizontal mode. We do not process vertical videos.

Start recording
If the weather is cloudy try not to exceed 5kph. If you want to speed up to 10kph, you have to select at least 1080p and 120fps
If your odometer is unstable, you can use GPS Speed application on Android devices.
Make sure to drive every odd row if you have 2 cameras on each sides

If not, make sure to drive every row.
If you use GoPro cameras and enable GPS we are able to create trail maps like below.

Videos must look like something below
What to avoid when capturing videos
Make sure your lens is clean,
Horizon is level (like videos above)
Can see vines directly
If you send videos like below, we'll not be able to process them
No obstructions to the frame
Overall, we must be able to see what we are going to count. YieldEstimator, in essence, a counting system.

Once you captured videos
Depending on the growth period and vine training type, we will process data for up to 2 rows of vines (usually 1 row, depending on the server workload, you can send data from as many rows as you wish)
We send you the results as row count & estimation
You compare with your ground truth (field verification)
If you are a table grape producer and have huge leaf coverage that makes bunch capturing impossible, please watch 2 videos below to send us your videos. Rest of the idea is similar but since there is less sun shine, you have to drive or walk slower.