Just send a video :)

With a new processing engine under the hood of YieldEstimator, the Excellent Accuracy counting system, now you are able to send videos from many devices to get some results.
For excellent results, a GoPro Hero 10/11 recommended.
Other verified devices;
Android smartphone released after 2020
it requires a free apk to be installed, after installation, you can capture videos with GPS logging and send both files to us, to learn how to, contact ai@yieldestimator.com
70mai Pro Plus GPS enabled Car DVR Camera with Lens Modification.
For lens modification kit, you can contact ai@yieldestimator.com
iOS devices released after 2020
after enabling GPS and iyou start and stop recording in the start and beginning of the each row, it is possible to get some results.
Click each logo to see compatible devices.
YieldEstimator = YE, ViTiMAP = VM
GoPro Hero 10/11 compatible with YE & VM
Android devices compatible with YE & VM with specific apk
70mai pro plus compatible after a modification and only with VM due to 30fps
iOS devices compatible with YE only due to no GPS
Videos must look like below.
GoPro is built like a tank, in one of our experiments, a camera detached from the vehicle, we have driven over it and it was still working. You can't do it with a phone.
Excellent Results
Good Results
Normal Results
Some Results